Fairgoers survey the fungi at the SOMA Wild Mushroom Fair in Coddingtown Mall.
Fungus fairs are a great opportunity for mycological societies (like ours) to introduce the public to the amazing variety of local wild mushrooms. Tables piled high with hundreds of freshly-gathered fungi are manned by enthusiastic volunteers ready to answer any and all questions, be they from the curious passerby or the serious mycophile. The mushrooms are identified and labeled by experts as edible, inedible, or poisonous, and usually grouped taxonomically or by habitat. Some fairs charge a nominal fee, while others are free.
In addition to mushroom displays, fungus fairs often feature:
- free mushroom identification by experts
- demonstrations of cooking, cultivation, dyes, and paper-making
- slide shows and lectures
- microscope identification
- photography and fine art exhibits
- a supervised children's learning area
- books and t-shirts for sale
- a chance to join your local mycological society!
Check out our events calendar to find the next fungus fair in your area.